Saturday, May 15, 2010

18 Mile Run!

Ok, so this was the big one... now it's down hill from here until 26.2 miles on June 6. We will actually decrease our mileage from here until the marathon to ensure our bodies are well-rested for the big run.

The 18 mile run actually seemed easier than the 16 mile run - and it only took me ten minutes longer. I would have actually probably beat my 16 mile time, except the last mile and a half of the 18 mile run was especially difficult. I started getting really nauseated, and had to walk for about 8 minutes. I'm very disappointed I walked at all, but I keep trying to tell myself that 8 minutes out of four hours isn't too bad! I need to figure out why my stomach was hurting, so I can try to eliminate what's the cause. I think I may have had too much gatorade during the run. It's a hard balance, because personally, I would rather drink water the entire time but you have to have some way to restore your electrolytes - especially sodium. I mentioned taking sodium pills to my dad instead of drinking gatorade, but he quickly vetoed that idea.

During the run, we ran all over Austin!! We started at the intramural fields (51st St. and Guadalupe) and ran two miles north, then ran south all the way through campus to Town Lake. We ran about 5 miles on Town Lake all the way to the Longhorn Dam and back. I was at 2nd and Trinity, had run 14 miles and knew I had to make it back to 51st and Guadalupe. It was horrible having to look at the street signs from 2nd to 3rd to 4th all the way to 51st. This was actually just the last four miles, but it seemed so much farther!

Since I had to run the 11 mile from last weekend on Monday, I ran a total of 41 miles in the last 6 days!!!! As I'm writing this I am icing my knees, although they feel much better than they did after the 16 mile. I think my knee problems may be over (knock on wood).

This afternoon, the kids I babysit and I are going to have a lemonade stand to raise money for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society! I am still about $400 away from my goal, so please donate if you haven't already and wish to!!!! There are only three weeks left until the marathon, and technically our fundraising ends next Monday!! So please tell your friends!!!

Hope you're all having a wonderful weekend!!


1 comment:

  1. Great job Lisa. Such determination from you!!!!!
    Keep up this positive attitude and you will have no trouble at all finishing the marathon in
    San Diego.
    Love Ya,
