Monday, May 10, 2010

11 Mile Run

I ended up not running at ALL in New Orleans this weekend. I opted to walk around New Orleans and check out the city instead. Also, staying out late and drinking wine doesn't mix well with early morning runs. This was not a great weekend to appear to be slacking on my running, since I was around my aunts, uncles, and cousins who were all very generous to donate to the cause. Needless to say, I was called a slacker several times.

But don't worry guys! I made up my 11 mile run today! It's crazy how an 11 mile run doesn't seem like a big deal now - especially when I have an 18 miler coming up this weekend. This will be the highest mileage we reach before we start running shorter distances to prepare our bodies for race day.

Last week, I broke my iPOD and my sports watch, which are two staples of my exercise regimen, as well as my life. Thankfully, I have borrowed my old iPOD that I had given to my friend, Jackie. She probably won't know that I'm going to have to use it until the race until she reads this. Sorry!!!!! I will begin saving up for a new one... Buying a new watch was absolutely necessary, so I did that this morning before my run.

We only have two weeks until our fundraising closes (though I believe people can still donate after - this is just the deadline of when TNT members will be billed if they didn't raise the minimum donation). I'm going to have another lemonade stand with the kids I babysit this weekend (hoping they don't back out!) Hopefully, I can get about $100 from that. I will be sending out a final email and facebook message soon in efforts to get last minute donators. Thanks again to all those who have donated thus far!



1 comment:

  1. Things sound like they are shaping up the way you want them to. Glad you got your 11 mile run in today. Looking forward to the blog after the long week-end run coming up.
