Tuesday, March 16, 2010

9 Mile Run

Hey everyone!

We had our 9 mile run last Saturday. We ran through a gorgeous neighborhood around Lake Austin - gorgeous, but very hilly! The run went really well - I feel like they are getting easier as I get into better shape, but past marathoners have told me that mile 12 is when things become difficult! My shins and knees are feeling better than they were the first few weeks, which makes me feel much better.

Fundraising is also going extremely well! Thanks to everyone for their very generous donations! I have raised about $3,125. Again, this is not yet reflected on my website since I have not mailed in all the checks. Once I do, it takes about a week or two to upload to the website. Also, the people at the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society upload the check information to my website, so the name on the check will be the name that shows up on the webpage under donations. I am trying to mail checks each Saturday in bulk, since I have been getting about 2 a day.

As a result of fundraising and talking to different people, I have become more and more aware each day what a great cause this is. For example, I found out that four of the wonderful people whom I traveled to Guatemala with on a mission trip in October have had people in their immediate family pass away from Leukemia. Three of these people lost a child and one lost a younger brother. With their permission, I will include more about them in the future.

I better get back to work! Everyone have a great day and a happy Spring Break!



  1. Keep up the great work, Lisa! I'm a huge supporter of what you're doing. I'll get you a check soon!

  2. Wow, what an amazing thing you're doing. Very inspirational. Best wishes and can't wait to see your progress!
