Saturday, March 6, 2010

8 Mile Run

Hey everyone!

Today we had our 8-mile run as a team. The weather was absolutely perfect for running and it went really well! I ran in West Lake yesterday, which is extremely hilly so my calves were really tight for the first few miles, but the last three weren't bad at all. Running with a team helps SO MUCH!!! Running by myself last week made the 7 mile work out seem a lot worse than it was.

Fundraising is also going very well. Thank you to everyone who has donated! I have raised a little over $1900 so far. My fundraising page doesn't reflect this, because the checks that have been mailed to me haven't been added to the total yet. I'm mailing eleven checks to the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society tomorrow and then it takes about two weeks for them to be added.

Any fundraising ideas are still welcome. Also, if you know anyone who would be interested in donating, please give them my webpage address!

Thanks for the support and donations!!


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